global day of giving
#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving, celebrated
in more than 98 countries, fueled by the power of social media and
collaboration. In India, #GivingTuesday is a #DaanUtsav celebration on the
Tuesday of the Joy
of Giving week.
On Tuesday, October 3, 2017, India will
celebrate #GivingTuesday with everyone giving to their favourite cause. You can
choose to give to credible NGOs featured on this portal. You can support them
in a variety of ways directly, or through your company or by participating in
giving campaigns and events launched online or on the ground. This portal will
give you, in an easy to search fashion, a wide range of giving options,
connecting you seamlessly to partner sites for giving.
This October 3, join the movement and give -
whether it’s some of your time, a donation, a gift or the power of your voice. Remember to always use #GivingTuesdayIndia
#DaanUtsav so that your act of giving strengthens the giving movement to
create a better India, a better world!

JEEVAN VIKAS SANSTHA-PAITHAN, DIST-AURANGABAD [MAH.] Registered inyear-1993 implementing various programmes since 23 years with the financial assistance from STATE & CENTRAL the organization is having the team of sincere, having social aptitude of well trained trustees, social workers, volunteers, office bearers, with this team we are effectively implementing the State & Central Govt. Projects with the cooperation of formal and informal leaders and community also. Our organization ‘Jeevan Vikas Sanstha” is associated and undergone various training programmes and participated in workshops related to the Social, Educational, Culture, Economic, Health Field Projects. All the time we have undertaken full support and assistance from the above institutions and organizations for the effective implementation of the respective project. Our organization has been working in a remote area and urban, rural, tribal, hilly , flood prone, desert, drought prone, slum sector of Paithan, Ambad, Aurangabad, Badnapur, Shevgaov, Gevrai By Covering Dist-Aurangabad, Jalna, Ahmadnagar, Beed We have completed 23 years of achievement with since of pride and satisfaction , our organization has organized lot of programmes for the overall development of the urban, rural, tribal, hilly , flood prone, desert, drought prone, slum area community. We have continued our efforts this year also with tremendous hope and anticipation about the many things remained to be done. The following activities have been undertaken during following three years period ( 1/04/2016 to 31/03/2017 ) for the upliftment of poor, needy and helpless people of the weaker sections of the society and to promote education and awareness among educationally backward areas, poor people from a sizable portion of our population and they constitute the most important sources of resource.
Medical Relief , Health & Family Welfare , Other Health Activity
Welfare of Women & Welfare of Schedule Tribe & Welfare of Schedule Caste & Welfare of O.B.C.Word Weaker Section Caste Programme.
By Youth Welfare& Sport Competition / Celebration of Nation Day / Nation Event
Celebration of Birth /Death Anniversary Great Saints / Important Personality
Culture Programme
Welfare & Aware, I.E.C.of Minority Programme
Other Welfare Activities / Programme.
Education on Agriculture, Fisheries Dairy, Animal Welfare Programme
Environment Programme
Capacity & Awareness Building Programme.
Rural & Relief Programme
Legal Awareness Program
Welfare of Child & Girls Child Programme.
Aware & Welfare of Fisher Man Kahar Koli Programme.
Welfare/ Socio/-Economic Development Programme.
Employment ,Vocation & skill Training And- Development / Entrepreneurship Programme.
Research & Advocacy