#EveryTuesday, we share an idea to show your kindness to the people or community around you! We believe your action will help spread generosity to make a better world!
10 Tuesdays from now,
Indians will engage in acts of generosity as a part of the global GivingTuesday movement!
India observes GivingTuesday during the #DaanUtsav week from Oct 2-8.What will you be doing to celebrate your compassion on GivingTuesdayIndia?
If you start doing a bit from now, you could make a BiG difference on Oct 6, 2020!You could gift a cycle for a girl to attend school from money saved on your daily commute = ₹75 x 70 Days = ₹5250.
A bicycle which is a fitness and fun thing for some, is a life changer for many! Sponsor a bicycle for a young girl to continue her schooling!
Mann Deshi Foundation supports young girls continue their schooling by sponsoring bicycles for them. While most villages have primary schools, many don't have secondary schools and girls are often forced to drop out because it is difficult and too far to walk to the nearest secondary school. A bicycle ensures that they can continue schooling. Their education, thanks to a bicycle, can hugely change their lives!https://www.
givingtuesdayindia.org/story- details/840 Write to us in email to partnerships@guidestarindia.
org for ideas and details on virtual generosity acts and events!
My Giving for #MyBetterBharat
If you wish to see more ideas for doing random acts of kindness,