We dedicate the month of March to turning the spotlight on Women’s issues.
For millions of girls, it is a constant fear how long they will be allowed to go to school/ college.
For millions of young women, there is no opportunity to express when they would like to get married nor the option to choose their life partner.
For millions of women, it’s a struggle to make their own decision regarding their pregnancy.
For millions of women, it’s beyond their imagination to ask for what is rightfully theirs!
As you prepare to celebrate Women’s Day with flowers and presents for the women in your life, use your privilege to take a small action to support NGOs working to secure a better future for women.
Centre for Catalyzing Change, a GuideStar India Gold Certified NGO has been working for 30 years, focused on one single mission – to make the lives of girls and women in India better. By enabling an environment which provides an equal opportunity to them. By ensuring that they grow up as educated, informed, confident citizens of India; live dignified and healthy lives; and emerge as leaders at the frontline. Learn more about them and donate to support their mission 2025. Your money ensures girls and women can grow in safe spaces and move towards a world where people will be able to do anything they want, regardless of their gender.
Visit: https://www.givingtuesdayindia.org/#do-a-random-act-of-kindness