Tuesday 19 May 2020

"I want to go home!"

#EveryTuesday, we share an idea to show your kindness to the people or community around you! We believe your action will help spread generosity to make a better world!

"I want to go home!" Do you remember when was the last time you said these words?
While you were on a long work tour? After a long vacation? Stranded at an airport because your flight was diverted due to bad weather? When you were in the hospital? While you were posted to a remote area? After a long and difficult day at work?

In the lockdown, you would have experienced yourself or would have heard of your friends and colleagues spending sleepless nights on hearing their child, partner, parent or loved one stranded in a different city say, "I want to come home".

And, we know why, right? Home is where we feel secure, loved and at ease! So what if it is simpler than fancy hotels and exciting locales.

In both cases, whether you wanted to go home or your loved one was waiting to come home, one knew it was a matter of time. One has the resources to reach home when the time would come. One could arrange for food and shelter for the waiting period.

All that millions of Indians stranded in cities are saying is: "I want to go home!" They are pushed to going back home because of no work, so no money to buy food or pay for shelter. Yet we find it so hard to understand their simple ask!

Don't feel helpless watching fellow citizens rushing to catch buses and trains or hopelessly walking their way home.

Here are resources for you to do something about that ache in your heart you feel for them:

The COAST network is a coalition of NGOs across India that are collaborating with each other to help facilitate movement of migrants wanting to go back home & if you wish to donate on Milaap to this cause visit https://www.givingtuesdayindia.org/#featured-donation1

Are you or anyone you know trying to help transport migrants from any place back to their homes, and are able to get the permissions, handle the logistics, etc.but ONLY short of money? If yes, please refer to below form

Booking buses for migrant workers (If you have the required passes)

If you are not an Indian citizen, or you have a larger amount to give, you can directly connect with Venkat at venkatkn at gmail dot com.

Consolidated list of organisations assisting migrant workers

Contact details of state nodal officers
if you know any organisation who is assisting migrant workers & would like to add to the list visit
NIC, GOI has created a single point online page access to apply for COVID E-Permit pass for 17 states.

Service links you to respective States E-permit portal page:

Thank you Vineet Saraiwala for compiling the resources!




If you wish to see more ideas for doing random acts of kindness, visit https://www.givingtuesdayindia.org/every-tuesday


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